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I have a frozen shoulder. What should I do?

I am a 27 year old man and I work on the computer for nearly 18 hours a day. I have recently been suffering from a frozen shoulder, which is even impacting my work. What can...

Is a chiropractor helpful in treating kids?

My son is 5 years old and he seems to be having some kind of a pain when walking. He is unable to walk straight. Will a chiropractor be helpful in understanding his problem and...

My left shoulder is broader than the right. Is this a growth problem?

Until now I never noticed this, but as I started going to the gym, I observed that my left shoulder is broader than my right shoulder. Is this normal or is it a growth defect...

Can a chiropractor help me with my lower back pain?

I am suffering from severe lower back pain that increases every time I am in a certain position for long. Can a chiropractor help me with my lower back pain?

Why do I have a sharp knee pain?

I have been an athlete since my childhood. I am now 26 years old and I still run. However, all of a sudden I am experiencing a sharp knee pain every time I attempt running....

How can i reduce my pain due to ankle sprain?

I am suffering from intense pain in my ankle after I had a sprain last week. I tried alternative cold and hot packs but yet the pain is not subsiding. What can I now do to reduce...

Experiencing numbness and pain after elbow fracture treatment. Why is this happening?

I am a 28-year-old man and I recently underwent an elbow fracture treatment following a major accident that I had. Post the surgery, I am experiencing a lot of pain along with...

My father is suffering from severe back pain. Can it be treated with manual adjustment of the spine?

My father is 64 years old and is suffering from severe back pain for the last one month. He is afraid of any kind of spinal or back surgery. Can manual adjustment of the spine...

My mother has developed a problem of shaking hands. What could be the reason behind it?

My mother is 67 years old and has suddenly developed shaking hands problem. Her sensation in the hands and fingers is perfectly fine, however, she is having this involuntary shaking...

I am having severe neck pain. What could be the reason?

Since last evening I am having a shooting pain in my neck muscles. The pain is so severe that I am unable to be in any one position for a long time. Besides, I am even unable...

I have just suffered a slip Disc. After how long can I start by back exercises?

I recently underwent a slipped disc and there seems to be a space created between my vertebrae. The doctor has recommended complete rest and minimal movement. After how long...

Are there any symptoms of osteoporosis?

I am a 42-year-old woman, with an athletic body. However, I have suddenly started developing symptoms of pain around my bones, muscles, and joints. What are the symptoms of osteoporosis?...

Is there a way to treat back pain arising due to long sitting hours?

I am a 45-year-old man and I work for a tech company. Recently, I have developed severe back pain due to sitting for long hours. I am unable to straighten my back after getting...

Very tight neck

My neck is always tight. I get regular massages. Can chiropractic help?

Can excess weight cause spine problems?

I am a 32-year- old woman and post my second delivery I have gained excess weight which just doesn't seem to go. I am having a severe lower back problem and I can almost feel...

Should I see a chiro after a car accident?

I am still having some neck and upper back pain from my car accident 4 months ago. Is it too late to go see a chiropractor?

Can a chiropractor relieve muscle pain?

While it is not in my back, I am experiencing muscle pain from an injury. Can chiropractic care improve the pain?

Pain years after spinal fusion surgery

5 years ago, I had spinal fusion surgery for my scoliosis. I went to physical therapy and recovered well. Now there is a lingering dull pain in my back whenever I lie down....

Is scoliosis preventable?

My son is in elementary school, he's 6 years old. I know scoliosis happens often in children, but is there any way to prevent it? I'd hate for him to have preventable back issues...

Do chiropractors offer free consultations?

I am curios whether or not chiropractic care would be beneficial for my overall health, so I was wondering if free consultations in chiropractic care are common practice.

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